Find If You Have Unclaimed Money
In the hard economical times that we are in today, finding extra cash is always beneficial. A lot of people have US Treasury unclaimed money, but because they do not know about it, they never actually see this money. Knowing if you have unclaimed money from the government is very beneficial and can allow you to find that extra stack of cash that you didn’t know was there. Everyone can benefit from unclaimed money in their name. Nyahwa Properties helps people find if they have unclaimed money if they have foreclosed on a home.
What is Unclaimed Money?
Unclaimed money is the money that a business or government office owes you and become unclaimed for many reasons. For instance, an expired store credit can become unclaimed money when it goes to the state-run unclaimed property offices and no one is aware. That is why it is so important to regularly check to see if you have unclaimed money that you can access.
Another common scenario of the federal government owing someone money is from a recent foreclosure. A foreclosure is a legal process that happens when homeowners are unable to make their regular payments so the bank or mortgage company takes ownership of the home. When this happens, some people still owe money after a foreclosure while others find themselves asking "Does the Federal Government Owe Me Money?". Losing a home can be devastating. Finding out you have unclaimed money could make the situation a little less upsetting.
Let\'s say that a bidder bought your home and paid more than the bank needed to recover your defaulted debt. In that case, any overage should go to the homeowner. If a $200,000 home was seized for $30,000 in unpaid taxes, but later sold for $230,000, then the homeowner should have $200,000 coming back to you. After the county recovers the debt and pays the fees and costs associated with your debt, any overage belongs to you.
In a foreclosure sale, a surplus fund is the difference between the equity of a home and the amount that the home sold for. For example, if you sold your home for $300,000 and you still owed $250,000, then you are still entitled to the remaining $50,000. Any excess funds that remain after all taxes, insurance, operating expenses are paid belong to the previous owner.
How We Can Help You Find Your Money After A Foreclosure
At Nyahwa Properties , we are here to help you easily and affordably make sure you are collecting what is owed to you. Our goal is to help you in the best way possible. We want to give you the knowledge you need to find unclaimed money in your name from the federal government after a foreclosure as well as help you access this money.